Hello World!

Allow me to introduce myself. I am the co-head nut around here (you can call me Mrs. Hazelnut) along with my hubby, whom we lovingly call Mr. Cashew. We have 5 fabulous children who we have nicknamed Almond, Peanut, Coconut, Pistachio and Pecan. We try to have lots of fun in this nut shop!

I’m a lover of all things crafty, my family, and fun stuff. I don’t love cleaning, cooking, or boring stuff (boring is so subjective though!).

I’m planning to use this blog to talk about whatever my little heart desires (and maybe I’ll ramble about my heart from time to time, you never know!).  I once heard (well more than once actually) that you should find a niche to blog about and stick with it. But I can’t! I’ve tried! I always hop from one thing to another and therefore run out of things to write about on my blog, and it dies. RIP old blogs. 😦 Anywho, have a look around. Let me know if you find something you like.

Welcome to my little corner of the blogiverse. I hope you find something you enjoy!